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School Supply

Our Story

Education is a beautiful thing. 

At The School Bag Project, we aim to give Afghan refugees and newcomers an equitable start to their education. The first step in doing this is to provide Afghan refugees and newcomers with the necessary resources to thrive. 

Here at The School Bag Project, we distribute pre-packed school bags with stationary and health items for Afghans located in the Greater Toronto Area who are in need. We aim to reduce the socioeconomic barriers of health and education that Afghan refugees and low-income Afghan families may face.

At around 2.5 million refugees, Afghanistan currently has the second-largest refugee population in the world. In comparison to other immigrants, studies have found that Afghans are one of the most vulnerable groups among the Canadian labour markets. This vulnerability is a result of the severe social, educational, and health barriers Afghan immigrants and refugees may face.

Studies report that nearly 1/5 of Afghan youth in Canada report facing expulsions, suspensions and failing classes at school (Pendakur,  2017)

We believe if Afghan children and youth have access to the appropriate educational and health resources, Afghans will have a fair chance to flourish at school and in the labour markets. 

The target age of participants in The School Bag Project range from about 4 to 17 years old. In addition to providing pre-packed bags, The School Bag Project provides Afghan students access to education and health resources. We aim to make a lasting impact. 

The School Bag Project is persistent in giving hope to young Afghans, one schoolbag at a time. 

- Maryam Mahjoob & Feridha Mahjoob

Pendakur, Ravi. “Settlement and Labour Force Outcomes for Afghan Immigrants and Their Children in Canada.” WIDER Working Paper, 2017, doi:10.35188/unu-wider/2017/415-5.

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